R and D proposal under the ICPS program of DST

R and D proposal under the ICPS program of DST

A platform for systematic integration of Indian Epidemiology datasets to enable health analytics and disease modelling (R and D proposal under the ICPS program of DST)

Principal Investigator

  1. Dr. Rashmi Pant, Biostatistician, SHARE INDIA.


  1. Dr. Jammy Guru Rajesh, Associate Research Director, SHARE INDIA.

Funding source: Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Amount: Rs. 77.29 Lakhs.

Aims:Integrate, organize and make available to the scientists and policy makers an easily usable interface, tentatively called IndEpi 1.0.

Objectives :
Data Synthesis and Integrative Modelling-

  1. Develop a common platform integrating public health databases (IndEpi V.I .0).
  2. Conduct epidemiological investigations.

Big data analytics and visualizations:

  1. Create population level simulations and predictions based on parameters assimilated from IndEpi 1.0.
  2. Generate easily interpretable, visually accessible and policy relevant evidence that may provide inputs to all stakeholders.

Pilot testing

  1. Perform case studies on synthesis of IndEpi 1.0 with select independent epidemiological studies.

Status of the project

  1. Project approved and awaiting release of funds from DST.